Montag, 28. Februar 2011

Do you ever wonder if we make moments in our lives, or if the moments in our lives make us?

Have you ever wondered what marks our time here? If one life can really make an impact on the world? Do you believe that you can make a difference in this world? Or if the choices we make matter? I believe they do. And I believe that one human can change many lives... for better or worse!
Whether you are aware, no matter what you make or do, it always makes a difference. But in which direction you want to make a difference? What do you want to reach in this time which is given to you? What's your passion that you run for it? What is your dream that you want to fullfill?

Or are you one of those persons which you have given up your dreams ? Are you one of those persons that don't believe that you can make a difference in this world? Believe me, without you is the world not this world what it would be with you. You are a worthful. Why don't you believe that you are worthful? Because you have faults? Hey Surprise, we all have our faults. We are all not perfect.
It's good to be not perfect. To be perfect is really stressful isn't it?

Expect 100 % from every day and you will be surprised, what life will bring to you. Believe it. Believe that your life is a gift. Believe that you are a present for the world. That you can make a difference in this world. Believe that miracles can come true.

"There are two ways to live his life: either as if nothing were a miracle, or as if all one." Albert Einstein
Time is one of the most worthful things we have. Make your time and your life worthful. Life is to short to suffer. You can't change your past. But you can change everything in the present and in the future. You never get back your time, that you experience. So enjoy your time that is given to you.
Make your footprints in the world and put them into other people heart.

It's your choice how to run....... so select ;)

Sonntag, 27. Februar 2011

Friendship - One Of The Most Powerful Miracle In This World

Albert Camus once wrote: "Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

Have you ever wondered what marks your friendships? Do you know your real friends in your life?  Who are this people? Are your friends those, who make that you think about you and your live? Are your friends those who bring joy into your life and to make your life worthful....worthful engouh to make your life livable? Are your friends those who support you with dreams you have? Do they help you  that you reach your targets and your passions? Are your friends those who standing behind you not matter what life will bring and where ever life will take you to bring and how it looks like arround and into you? Do you trust your friends? Do your friends trust you?Do you know your real friends in your life? Or do you mean they to know?

(Real) Friendship(s) is a worthful gift that we can get in this world. Trust is a worthful thing what you can give (back) as a present in your friendship(s). Trust in friendships will bring you forward in your life and in your friendships, in your dreams, passions and targets. When you really trust your friend(s) and your friend(s) really trust you, then the question "will my friend(s) always be there for me? Or will I always be there for my friends?" is unnecessary. Because they will be there.
I think to spend time with your friend(s) and have community with them, your life will be often easier. Because if you are with your friends you don't look at you for some times. You will be concentrate at your friend(s) and you let your thoughts behind you. I also think that you often get answers from your friend(s) when you listenting what they want tell to you. And then you have so expriencen like, that's it. That's my answer I need, thats the answer which brings me forward in my life, in my dreams, that brings me nearer to my targets and my passions.

I also think, that when you allow that jealous somehow creep in your friendship you should talk about it with the concerned person. Jealous is generally fatal for you, for your friendship and in any relationship or connection with people that you are in contact with. In practicular, it robbs you much of your joy in your life and also in your friendship.
Have no prejudices against your friends when you hear somethin from someone what you found suspicious. Ask your friend directly if it's true or not. Real friend(s) will tell you the truth. I think your real friend(s) are worth it that you listen to them.
First when you have listened to this then you can judge..... just if you want to judge.
I think you shouldn' jugde about your friend(s). I know its easier to write that, as it's done. But I try it.
Do not let that in a real friendship is somethin between you and your friend. Speak openly about everthing.

There's no shame in being afraid. We're all afraid. What you gotta do is figure out what you're afraid of, because when you put a face on it you can beat it. Better yet, you can use it.oth quote

Friends help you to make your life simple.With (real) friends are you always a winner.

Don't forget this: Enjoy your life with your friends, because a life without friends is just impossible!

Samstag, 26. Februar 2011

No Matter What You Do, It Always Makes A Difference..... But The Question Is: In Which Direction You Made A Difference?

***********************************************************A man was walking down the beach at sunset. As, he walked along, he saw another man in the distance. He noticed this man kept leaning down, picking
up something and throwing it out into the water, again and again. As, he approached even closer, he noticed that the man was picking up starfish that
had been washed up on the beach. He was throwing them back into the water, one by one.

Puzzled, he approached the man and said,” Good Evening. I was wondering what you are doing."

"I'm throwing these starfish back into the ocean. You see, its low tide and all these starfish have been washed up onto the shore. If, I don't throw
them back into the ocean, they'll die up here from lack of oxygen."

"But, there must be thousands of starfish on this beach. You can't possible get to all of them. And, don't you realize this is probably happening on
hundreds of beaches all up and down this coast. Can't you see that you can’t possibly make a difference?"

The man bent down and picked up yet another starfish, and threw it back into the ocean. With a smile he replied, "It make a difference to that one!!!”

If you want to do something... JUST DO IT... because when you don't will do it, who else will do this (for you)?

Freitag, 25. Februar 2011

Believe That Dreams Come True Everyday, Because They Do

Take a look at yourself in the mirror
Who do you see looking back?
Is it the person you want to be?
or is there someone else you were meant to be,
the person you should have been,
but fell short off.
If someone telling you that you can’t, that you won’t?
Because you Can!

Believe that love is out there.
Believe that dreams come true everyday, because they do.
Sometimes, happiness doesn’t come from money or fame or power.
Sometimes, happiness comes from good friends and family,
and from the nobility of leading a good life.

Believe that dreams come true everyday, because they do.
Believe that dreams come true everyday, because they do.
So take a look at that mirror.
and remind yourself to be happy, because you deserve to be. Believe that.
and Believe that dreams come true everyday, because they do.

from OTH