Samstag, 28. Januar 2012

Don't Give Up Until You'Ve Got The Best In Your Life

Don't wast you time with things who are just acceptable. It's good to have good things in your life. But i think we are often satisfied with the good things in our lifes. And then we stop to search/wait for the best in our lifes. Because we are scared we loose the good things... we don't expect the best. We are always worried that the best never will reach us.

I am sure God's plan for us is to give us the best things which we can have in our life.Why are we often so scared about God don't exeeded our expectations? Are we to selfish? Are we to scared about this freedom which us allowed to have the best? And what we would do or what will happen if we received these best things in our life?

I guess sometimes we have to let go the good things in our life to receive the best things.
I think God is so great. And he has many things prepared for us. We just need to take those things we want. There are no boundaries. It just needs courages, self-confidence, faith and the security.The security that you are good enough.... good enough just the way you are.

It's ok to believe God will make it. And will do all thing until you reach your target with him and what he wanted for you. But do you also believe in yourself? That you will reach your target also? Do you belive you have to do you best and got will do the rest? Our duty is to do what we can.... and he will do all things what we can't do without him

Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through him who gives me strength 
 This is a promise for now and forever. There are all things possible. Nothing is impossible. All we have to do is to trust and to love God with all our hearts. We must do nothing. Its not about performance. It's just about relationship with God and nothing else. The best Idol we ever had was and is Jesus. He shows us how it worked then and how it will work now. It's simple as always ....... isn't it? ;)