Mittwoch, 2. März 2011

And sometimes... all you need is one (which believes in you)

At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just not facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls. And sometimes... all you need is one. oth

Love..... Love can change everything. No matter in which kind of way love is, if it's a relationship love or a friendship love or you just like a person unconditional like he is. Yes love can change everything, if it's real and pure and honest.
Love is for me that you gave 100 % for persons which you love. (No matter if it's a friendship or a realationship or what else). Love is that you make all in for those people which you love and like.
 Sometimes when you feel bad, then you need just one person, this is listenting to you. You need just one person which you know that this person is always be there for you and always is honest to you. One person which is really love you. Once you know that you are loved everything will change your life. Life is for you no more a burden. No.... For then you will can, want and you will enjoy your life and having fun. And you will be sad about every passing day. And then you will remember, how worthful your life is... and how worthful the life from other humans are. You will appreciate it and you can live.

My best friend has shown me how and what live really is. He loved me so much that he one day has given his life for me. Without hesitation. He layed his heart on the table and made all in ... and that just for me.... just because he wants protect me. And he wasn't sure, if i will love him back. I wish, that he know, how thankful I am, what he has done for me. But I know he want that I live my life carefree and enjoy my life. I am sure that he want that I have fun.

I think people who are depressed or people without a vision, they don't know how ingenious life is, can be, and will be. They haven't expericend life, how beautiful it can be. Those people need just someone that they love, maybe often patience and honest. Love your friends, then love can change everything in those life.