Comes time, comes council. The people comes to you and say: "Hey you are right." or "Really at this time you have spoken out of my heart" or something else. And after a while you realize it wasn't not so wrong like I thought, what you have done. Then are you happy about it. It's a great feeling when you know that you could help this person....
Do you know the feeling when everything work simple? When you everyday experience heaven? When everything what you touch shall to "gold". That's one of the really kisses of heaven. For these moments it is worthwhile to live more than ever.
I want say to you today: Do this things that you think that you should do!!! And say this things that you think you should say!!! Why? Simple.... For one person can this means everything. For one person can this be life saving. For one person can it be the stand of the day and for one person can it be the saving of day.
When you don't do those things what you think or you don't make those things what you think
If you don't do the things you think, or don't say the things you think, who should do it otherwise? Who else should the people save the day or maybe even life? Who else can set up your friends? Tell me who else? For I am sure no one thinks like you .... And no one can touches hearts like you do.