Life is a freedom. Now go out there and be free. Reamonn
Who is saying what we have to do in our life? Who is saying how I have to life my life? You can choose in which direction you will and you want to run.
The Problem of humans is that we need prisons. But we get all freedom in this world, so why we need prisons? Why we need prisons, when we are free? Do we really don't know, what is to do with this freedom?
When you are free from all your stomps that humans put on you, what would you do? Does this make any differences to you? How do you wish to live your life, when you are really free? What happens when you make steps out of this prisons and you are free? Do you will enjoy your life?
Life is so simple, why do we make it complicated?
A fact is that we are free persons and have freedom....Is this our easy yoke? Can be a yoke easy? If it's so simple why me make it so hard and complicated? Are we overtaxed with freedom?
Freedom is the most important gift, that we can have... why we don't use it and why all we live our life, how we are in prisons?
What is when we think, that freedom not only is possible over the clouds, but also on and in this world? What would happen then?
There is so much more in this life than we know.... all we have to do is just live it (without worries)!!!