Freitag, 30. September 2011

Love is a gift... appreciate it =)

Too often when love comes to people, they try to grasp the love and hold it to them,
refusing to see that it is a gift freely given and a gift that just as freely moves away.
When they fall out of love,or the person they love feels the spirit of love leaving,
they try desperately to reclaim the love that is lost rather than accepting the gift for
what it was..
they want answers where there are no answers.they want to know what is wrong with them..or they try to get their lover to change,thinking that if some small things were diff, love would bloom again.they blame their circumstances.they blame each other.they try anything to give meaning to what has happened.but there is no meaning beyond love itself,and until they accept its own mysterious ways..
Love has its own time,its own reasons for coming and cannot bribe it or coerce it or reason it into staying..
if it chooses to leave,from your heart or from the heart of your lover,there is nothing you can do.
Just be glad that it came to live for a moment in your life.....


Sonntag, 11. September 2011

Lets enjoy life and don’t live a complicated life.

Katie 21, and husband Nick 23, knew before the wedding that Katie had terminal cancer but Nick vouched to marry the love of his life. With all her complications Katie planned every part of her wedding and her dressed had to be altered many times due to the constant weight loss

Katie died 5 days after her wedding. To see a fragile woman dress as bride with a beautiful smile makes you think… Happin...
ess is always there within reach, no matter how long it lasts. Lets enjoy life and don’t live a complicated life. Life is too short.

Work as if it was your first day. Forgive as soon as possible.
Love without boundaries. Laugh without control and never stop smiling. Please pray for those suffering from cancer.