Sonntag, 29. Januar 2012

Every (Wo)man's Life Is A Fairytale Written By God's Fingers

Life itself is the most wonderful fairytale. Hans Christan Andersen

Do you believe that your life could be a wonderful and beautiful fairytale?

I think it's true... Your life is and can be such a wonderful and beautiful fairytale.... Let me guess.... Now you wonder how that could be?
Well I believe it's always of how you look about your life..... as usual ;)

How do you live your life? Do you live it in the fullest? Do you believe there is so much more in this world as you have ever seen before?

I believe there is so much more than I have ever seen before. And I don't give up until I have seen these things which I wish from the bottom of my heart. I believe that my live is a wonderful fairytale. I believe that nothing is impossible in this world.

I often wonder how people can say that is impossible to reach, even if they want it so bad and even if it's a wish from the bottom of their hearts. It makes me really sad if human give up their dreams and don't believe in it.... I think every dream and every wish is valuable to follow it.The question always is how brave one human is?! There is nothing that hurts me more in this world than look into the eyes of someone and see that this human don't live his life. I guess they don't live because they have to give up dreaming and to stop follow their dreams, targets and visions. I think if they gave up to follow their heart, they automatically stopped to live. So I can understand those people, which say life is really not a fairytale and it never will be.... they are so true...........


I can promise you, if you really walk with Jesus so close allday long your life will be a fairytale. And in this fairytale you are a wonderful and valuable princess/hero/prince or whatever. And if you walk with Jesus that close you will also have many friends..... Friends who make your live worthwhile. Friends which makes your live more funnier.... Friends with them you will reach your targets.... Friends who are with you for 100 % no matter what you do. I believe you just can to reach great things with Jesus and your friends. I also believe that there is a great secret in community. Really .... ok I promise you if you have those friends in your live nothing is impossible and your life is and will be a fairytale. You will receive everyday a new present from heaven.

I couldnt imagine to dont live in such a community.

And dont forget: If you fill your mind with a beautiful thought, there will be no room in it for an ugly one. ;) So do things never thought possible =)

Samstag, 28. Januar 2012

Don't Give Up Until You'Ve Got The Best In Your Life

Don't wast you time with things who are just acceptable. It's good to have good things in your life. But i think we are often satisfied with the good things in our lifes. And then we stop to search/wait for the best in our lifes. Because we are scared we loose the good things... we don't expect the best. We are always worried that the best never will reach us.

I am sure God's plan for us is to give us the best things which we can have in our life.Why are we often so scared about God don't exeeded our expectations? Are we to selfish? Are we to scared about this freedom which us allowed to have the best? And what we would do or what will happen if we received these best things in our life?

I guess sometimes we have to let go the good things in our life to receive the best things.
I think God is so great. And he has many things prepared for us. We just need to take those things we want. There are no boundaries. It just needs courages, self-confidence, faith and the security.The security that you are good enough.... good enough just the way you are.

It's ok to believe God will make it. And will do all thing until you reach your target with him and what he wanted for you. But do you also believe in yourself? That you will reach your target also? Do you belive you have to do you best and got will do the rest? Our duty is to do what we can.... and he will do all things what we can't do without him

Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through him who gives me strength 
 This is a promise for now and forever. There are all things possible. Nothing is impossible. All we have to do is to trust and to love God with all our hearts. We must do nothing. Its not about performance. It's just about relationship with God and nothing else. The best Idol we ever had was and is Jesus. He shows us how it worked then and how it will work now. It's simple as always ....... isn't it? ;)


Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2012

Your Future Is Now

Your Future Is Now

Why God wants you to invest your life in Christ—today

 I like this saying: The greatest gift you can give your family and your world is a healthy you! In this day and age, there’s a lot of focus on appearance—your clothes, makeup, your car, your house, even the kind of computer you have. But you can look great on the outside and be an absolute wreck on the inside. That’s how I used to be. I dressed myself up every day, but inside I was a mess in my mind, emotions and attitude.
The Bible says Jesus came to make us completely whole—spirit, soul and body. He wants to heal every part of us because He’s “into” wholeness. He wants to restore everything we lost through sin, ignorance, attacks of the enemy and mistreatment from others. Listen—God is a God of restoration.
For years I was a Christian and didn’t know this. I didn’t understand that God cared about my mind, emotions, finances, social life—every part of me and everything in my life. My attitude was, “If I can just make it through and survive until I go to heaven …” But Jesus came to save not only those who are lost but that which was lost.
I really want you to get this: The kingdom of God is not just a trip to heaven. It’s knowing who you are in Christ and having God’s righteousness, peace and joy while you’re on this journey here on earth.
The first step to wholeness is simple: We just have to come to Jesus and give Him our heart. He takes us just as we are and then He begins the journey to wholeness with us. 
While the beginning is simple, the journey isn’t always easy. I realize this message about wholeness is not for the fainthearted. You will need to do things in obedience to God that are hard; and you’ll be tempted to make excuses not to do them. But when we disobey God, we’re gambling with our future. 
The decision you have to make is, am I going to be a gambler and hope everything works out or an investor who obeys God, does what’s right and reaps the rewards of healing and wholeness in my life?
A gambler compromises, doing what they know isn’t right and hoping they won’t suffer the consequences. Sometimes when we make bad choices, we seem to get away with it for a while, so we keep doing them. For example, you can run up one credit card and get another and keep charging and get another when that one is maxed out. But eventually, you will have to pay. 
An investor pays the price now so they can have a wonderful dividend later. They sacrifice now to enjoy double blessing later. It’s godly wisdom to do now what you will be happy with later. 
It’s easy to hear this message and say, “Yes!” because we know it’s right. But when it’s time to apply it, that’s when we’re tempted to compromise. Remember, God will never leave you or forsake you, and He’ll give you what you need so you can do what you need to do. He’s given us the Holy Spirit, who is our comforter and strengthener; He enables us to do what we can’t do on our own. Philippians 4:13 says, “I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me” (AMP). Stop saying,“I can’t!” You can do everything you need to do in Christ.
If you’ve been a gambler, I implore you to be an investor. Don’t live life like it is a game, rolling the dice and hoping you end up in a good spot. Don’t give in to lies or excuses. 
Do what’s right because it’s right and it glorifies God. If you will make right choices, investing in your life in Christ, there’s nothing that can hold you back from God’s best. And you’ll be well on your way to healing and wholeness in spirit, soul and body.
Joyce Meyer is the author of more than 80 books, including Battlefield of the Mind and Eat the Cookie ... Buy the Shoes (Hachette), and hosts the radio and TV program Enjoying Everyday Life.